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Focus Points
The Faith of Abraham and Sarah

  Abraham's Journeys  -  Genesis 11 to 23

Who's Who in Abraham's Family?

How Well Do You Know Abraham's Family?

God's Great And Precious Promises  -  Genesis 12:1-3  

God Repeats His Promises ... Again and Again!

Blessed With Faithful Abraham  -  Genesis 12:3 cited in Galatians 3

A Quick Quiz On Lot  -  Genesis 11 to 19

Let There Be No Strife  -  Genesis 13:8-9  

Abram Rescues Lot  -  Genesis 14:12-16

Abram And Melchizedek  -  Genesis 14:18-20

Children Of Abraham  -  Genesis 15:5 cited in Romans 4

Faith And Righteousness  -  Genesis 15:6 cited in Romans 4

Instant Gratification!  -  Genesis 16:1-2

A Father Of Many Nations  -  Genesis 17:5 cited in Romans 4

Children Of Promise  -  Genesis 18:10 cited in Romans 9

Whose Children Are We?  -  Genesis 21:10 cited in Galatians 4

Children Of Promise  -  Genesis 21:12 cited in Romans 8 & Hebrews 11

The Birth Of Isaac  -  Genesis 21:1-3

The Sacrifice Of Isaac  -  Genesis 22:1ff

A Blessing Indeed!  -  Genesis 22:18 cited in Acts 3

A Burial Place For Sarah  -  Genesis 23:2-4ff

A Bride For Isaac  -  Genesis 24

Hezekiah "Who Am I?"

The Hezekiah Story  -
2 Kings 16-20, 2 Chronicles 28-32 & Isaiah 36-39

King Hezekiah: Putting Things In Order

When the Assyrian Comes Into Our Land - Map

When the Assyrian Comes Into Our Land - Match & Map

How's Your Hezekiah IQ?

Saul Hunts Down The Christians  -  Acts 8:3

Blind!  The Conversion Of Saul  -  Acts 9:8-9

Overconfident!  The Conversion Of Saul  -  Acts 9:1-2 & 26:9-11

Saul Has To Change His Mind!  -  Acts 9:1-6 & 26:9-19

Baptized Into Christ  -  Acts 9:18 & 22:16

Guided By The Holy Spirit  -  Acts 13:2

The Feet Of Those Who Preach Good News  -  Acts 13:4, etc.

Preaching To Gentiles  -  Acts 13:47 citing Isaiah 49

Paul's First Missionary Journey - Map Quiz  -  Acts 13-14

Paul's First Missionary Journey - People & Places  -  Acts 13-14

A Crippled Man Walks!  -  Acts 14:8-10

Left For Dead!  -  Acts 14:19ff

The Jerusalem Conference  -  Acts 15:16-17 citing Amos 9

Paul's Second Missionary Journey - Map Quiz  -  Acts 16-18

Paul's Second Missionary Journey - People & Places  -  Acts 16-18

Paul's Second Missionary Journey - Quick Quiz  -  Acts 16-18

Name This Place!  -  Acts 18-19

Paul's Third Missionary Journey - Map Quiz  -  Acts 19-21

Paul's Third Missionary Journey - People & Places  -  Acts 19-21

Preaching In Rome  -  Acts 28:26-27 citing Isaiah 6